Glass door (Repräsentation)
128 cm x 48 cm, metal hinges
A smaller glass door is placed inside a larger door frame. A semi-obstruction; a non-functional, rigid saloon door which as an immovable door-cum-wall won’t bounce back but as a surface refracts sound and reflects movement in space and reminds us that the structural architecture of letting through or not, into backrooms, is real.
Invitations to openings.
Openings acting as obstructions to experiencing art.
Obstructing openings at openings.
At first glance the transparency offers some pictorial urge to frame something, a window-like focal point. And indeed each room that it reflects or sees-through is a glimpse of oneself or the other. Halting flow instead of accompanying it makes the viewer accommodate. Just as so much of the social scene of the art world and its architecture does in both the face and experience of art itself. It puts into it, en-route, semi-obstructive immovable objects which assemble with a labyrinthian effect where privilege is the master key, diamond saw and sledge hammer.
The listening ear in arts does not only hear works of sound it is also attuned to the sound of doors closing and the gradual slipping through to a limited capacity.